Silent Auction & Wall of Wine
Every in-kind donation helps us empower women to thrive. Whether through your business or as an individual, your donation makes a difference for the clients we serve.
Align your brand with Dress for Success Vancouver’s essential impact with an in-kind donation to the Silent Auction or Wall of Wine.
Both the Silent Auction and Wall of Wine will be open to both in-person and virtual bidding creating an audience of more than 500 bidders. Your in-kind donation creates opportunities for alignment with and profile for your brand. Donors will be listed in both on-site signage and online platforms. Total contributions valued at $1,000 or more to the Wall of Wine or Silent Auction will be recognized with logo placement.
The Success Luncheon’s most popular component - the Wall of Wine - features 250+ mystery bottles of wine. Guests are invited to purchase bottles blind at $40 per bottle. While each bottle is guaranteed to be valued at more than $30, values range up to $500! Join in the fun as guests discover if they are taking home a great bottle of wine… something spectacular!
All in-kind donations will be provided either a charitable tax receipt or acknowledgement receipt, in accordance with CRA receipting regulations. See here for more information.